As you may noticed,from recently I started painting my nails and whenever people ask me why,either I say I like it or that I'm embarrassing my feminine side but I'd like to explain it a bit more why is this so important to me and my general point of view on this...
See they discovered that left hemisphere of the brain is feminine and the right is masculine and this thing has absolutely nothing with the fact of who's having a vagina and's about something completely else...
Now,almost all of us have left and right side of the brain so we all have masculine and feminine way of perception,but one of them is usually overwhelmed by tge other and this is where the shit starts rolling...
Right side,masculine one is based on fact,number and generally rational ways of understanding the word!
Left one..the feminine one is based on emotions,gut feeling and spiritual perception of everything...
To me personally,both sides are important and shouldn't be excluded but my point..or one of them is that..this world and way we live is still highly masculine!
Because it's still a belief that the more masculine you are,the stronger you are,which to my knowledge can't be further from the truth...
To me,you're strongest if you have mastered your capabilities of using and embracing both of your sides at the right time.
So I grew up in a highly masculine surroundings so for everything that was feminine,to me was unknown or better said..I didn't know how to process it...
Which is tge huuuge problem everywhere in the world basically...where you can easily find a guy who's got balls to get into a fight with whom ever you want..but if you ask that guy to talk about his emotions it will be extremely difficult and uncomfortable for him...
This is because they also discovered that if you.. just for the conversation sake,cut of one two hemisphere of the brain to a person that person would soon be able to function normally cuz brain's got that ability to take over other area's from that point a person would function normally..well almost...
They say that that person couldn't be able to see one side of our faces,but for that person it would be normal...
That person would never miss that other side of our faces because he or she wouldn't know that it exists!
A small digression I need to make..this is also I'm very supportive in gay people...
To me they are just people but this phenomenon of people hating gays is exactly because of their perpetual rejection of their left/feminine way of thinking...
To is confusing and uncomfortable because they still haven't activated their left sides!
It's like if you take a guy without one of his hemispheres that I mention before and simply present him our other side of our would be extremely uncomfortable and hard to understand it!
I don't really believe that painting nails is even a feminine thing actually but..for so many years it was to now I'm learning myself to simply understand that I was thought wrong and I want to fix it!
One more thing for the end of this one... and it's about masculine side...
Masculine si rational and based on facts something that we can see hear or touch...
Therefore if you shut down completely your feminine won't be able to see or feel on more thing than we can't prove it exists...
You won't be able to feel love....
You'll be blind to it,wouldn't miss it and even if someone is giving it to you wouldn't know how to deal with it,respect it or let alone how to give it back...
So remember....LOVE❤️
Thanks for reading😘
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