I figured something recently and I'm not positive about it but still worth of mentioning...
There's this word here in Sweden that sounds LAGOM which you can translate to MODERATE and basically it means that but in Sweden it's about the culture!
See here everything is about lagom...if you dress you need to dress lagom,if you eat you should eat lagom,if you laugh laugh lagom...if you fuck you should probably follow lagom-rule too...
Ok,when it comes to drinking people here don't wanna drink lagom..either you get shit faced or you sit home and watch TV..so don't bother of going to a bar if you work tomorrow...
So why is this like that..I was wandering...
I believe I figured it out...
To start from drinking..people drink here not to let loose a bit and be social,no..they drink to stop thinking...
The only reason why anyone wants to stop thinking is a severe depression!
When you're sober you think and then you're worried and completely scared and unhappy...so when you get waisted you think you're happy but what actually happens is that you just stop thinking about shit that gives you stress...
And that feeling alone is so relaxing that you actually tripping your happy...
Now imagine how amazing would be to be actually happy not just switched off...
Yeah but how:))
Yesterday I posted a quote..it looks like this...
You get me here right:))))
Someone,somewhere at some point in your life told you that it's totally ok to be mediocre...
That person did not do any good for you but actually did a pretty harmful thing...
That person convinced you that being a fuckin loser is a good thing...and not just that you shouldn't be sad about..but you should actually make yourself happy about it!
We were born fuckin winners..and that's why you can be happy in being just ok..you wanna fuckin shine,you wanna be that person that is amazing at what you do you wanna fuckin rock!!!
But you know why you don't???
Because you don't try hard enough...and why you don't try...
Because you persuaded yourself that it's ok to be a worthless piece of shit...so you simply don't have that mindset of a winner!!!
Because you were told that it's fine to be pathetic...you never identify yourself with a fuckin rockstar..noooo
You identify yourself with a bunch of losers that didn't do a single thing in their life like a winner...because it's fine to suck,right...
Well it's not
It sucks when you're not great in anything!
The evil loser that told you that it's fine to suck thought you that life sucks and start adjusting to that asap...
You see you,me,your brother your friend..we were all made to be awesome in at least on single thing...
When you do something you're good at you have the feeling of satisfaction..but in order to discover what's that thing you're so good at...you need to be unsatisfied with averigeness...
That's how you get the strength that's necessary to keep on searching and finding your passion...
You need to hate the fact that you're average at something so either you try harder or drop it and start doing something else..
I'm constantly mentioning those poor morons that apply for IDOL and they sing terribly...but never mind it's not important to win right...yeah ask a winner that same question!
So my point is...if you want something..go and fuckin kill it..don't try it...OWN IT!!!
Be awesome,be amazing and when you do...you'll have no problem in loving other people's success too!
Hater is never ever a successful person only an average two-time loser..and you can all do better than that!
Love ya❤️