Already Saturday and I haven't even started doing shit I need to do...but,oh well..who cares:)))
So today I want to present you my theory about this code or as we call it a talent,that I believe we all have.
Ao shortly..I believe we were born perfect..then our environment fucked us up...then we think we were born fucked up and then you know what we do..we're trying to prevent our children from becoming fucked up..because we think that fucked up is in our DNA
Since we love our kids we just want what's best for that's why we tell them shit like..who do you think you are,or you're lazy,you're stupid and that's exactly how we ended up being fucked basically it's a perpetual problem of our world...
I know bodybuilders so therefore I can tell you kid will ever squat your child to squat..they will never lift up their heals,but instead the whole foot will stay on the ground..somewhere in the process they change that perfection...
I believe we all have this genetic code that determines what we're good basically you can take some singing lessons but if you're not "God given" you'll never become Pavarotti or something...
This is what we all know but what we ignore to know and more to understand is..why the fuck there are so many of us who wants so bad to become Pavarotti...
If you introduce a kid to a football,drawing and know what they'll love the most...shit they are the best at...
But the problem again is in us...
We tend to tell them at that drawing because you gonna end up being one of those crazy artists that can never support themselves financially...stick to your's better for you...
Or,skip fuckin art..only few people made money on art..but if you're just an ok football'll have a decent life...
Do you know how hard and frustrating it is to try to become good at something you can't be good at and you don't love's hell!
I remember starting bodybuilding and I started with a friend of we went to the gym lifting weights..he was actually pretty rich so his food was on fleek mine..not that good.
First day I benched 78k he did 50k
After two weeks I benched 100 and after two years he lifted barely 58...
Now I'm not saying that he should have stopped lifting...God no..but if started tripping he's gonna become the next Schwarzenegger he could have ruined his health and his life and on top of that..never be happy...
I'm the worst money maker EVER...
Everything I tried in order to make money and not have fun..turned into shit...
See the way I was successful in lifting weights without having the perfect conditions..same way was probably for great money was their thing...
A real money maker,can create profit in the shitties fuckin market crash when everyone start panicking..he figures out how to make profits out of it...why,cuz he's just that good...
A great money maker doesn't need three jobs to have cash..a real money maker makes money by buying a painting whose author's gonna become famous within a few years... point is..if you want to be need to learn how to let go the shit you've been given as a young kid and start analyzing what's the thing that makes you feel feel good about yourself and about you as a productive person...
Keep doing it and even maybe the little money you make out of it will be ten times sweeter than some that eats you from inside...
Life is too short for us not to make it beautiful every single day❤️
Have a great weekend everyone😘
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