After Second World War western civilization realized that Russia won't give a flying fuk about anyone or Russia became the biggest enemy than Hitler's Germany...
Problem was and still is that Russia is so huge and rich with oil and gas that West can't simply exclude them...they would really like to exclude but they can't...
So basically West needed to figure out how to do to exclude Russia from buying their natural resources and that way weaken their economy...
West is doing that by supplying their needs from the Middle East..
And there when the shit happened..some countries were totally fine with in being good relationship with West and sell them their precious oil and we know those countries to be very successful today comparing to where they were before America and Europe knocked to their doors...Emirates,Quatar,Saudi Arabia,Kuwait..etc...
But in order for West to make those important blood(oil/gas) vessels all the way to the Europe,they needed everyone's agreement...
They didn't get that..some leaders/dictators simply,go fuck yourselves:)))))
Things are like this...
Every modern country needs oil to survive..okay,there's no alternative fuel still to replace the black gold!!!
So what would you like to happen...
Would you like to watch the end of the world you used to know..would you like an anarchy on the streets you used to walk freely...we need that oil to survive...
Western leaders were luckily very clear on that...either you give us for money,or you give us after we bomb the shit out of you...cuz the empire we've been building for thousand years won't simply go to waste because you made your decision
Now people....would NEVER take this as a reason to go to war...people simply want to feel cares what will be tomorrow let alone within 100 years...
So people needed a reason to go to war..they needed an obvious danger in order to accept that the war is inevitable...
American government didn't pull that 9/11 mission that morning in NY,but they simply let the terrorists do what they do best...
They are arming ISIS with guns,people say..yes they are of course they are...because if you give me a gun I won't go out on Saturday evening and kill people in a movie theater...but they will..
So in order for us to recognize them..we need to arm them first...
I know it sounds cruel and unfair but people would never go to war until the war knock on their door..and's simply too late...
9/11 was an inside job and of course there were bombs inside those buildings of course they can't fall down like that just by airplanes alone but it was simply an necessary evil...
People who are trying to make this world worse are not taking a day can we....
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