Emotional maturity is today's topic..believe it or not...😬😬😬
When I was a young boy I was fantasizing about having two women...the blonde one and the brunette...sounds like I was a very smart kid,huh😂😂😂
Nooo...actually it sounds like a a perfect indication of emotional immatureness!!!
The blonde one would be there for me to love her and the brunette would be for me to fuck...
So somehow from very early age I was really fucked up in my head thinking that sex is somethings dirty and filthy and something you don't do to people you love...almost like a humiliation thing...
Unfortunately there are millions of them who actually think like this too..with a slight difference in them being grown ups:-/
We were told at very early age that sex is something...not nice...like a taboo..so we've created this false picture of something that suppose to be so beautiful...as something wrong dirty and not to be spoken about it publicly...but rather keep it to your self...
Why is this like that...
It's creating a perversion in our society...it makes us secretive and shy about who we are..because if a girl likes to be fucked analy it's not normal for her to say it out loud,but if she smokes it's totally fine to share that with everyone without fear of being judged...
That's why we have so many examples where men wants to marry an HONEST GIRL...because he doesn't want everyone to be able to say...hey man this guy fucked your wife...or even hey man..I fucked your wife...no,that's like a humiliation thing..
So what those men do...they're seeking for a very special kind of distorded women...
Those women are the ones that actually belive in this story"if you fuck a lot you're a slut and you're less"..so they actually holding themselves from having sex with anyone even though they are living breathing humans that needs sex....
To them it's only okay to fuck a long term relationship....otherwise you're a slut...
Problem is that you can't really order a long term relationship every time you're pussy gets wet....so in that case what you gonna do...hold yourself back???
Yes,that's exactly what they do....and by holding them selfs from this basic human needs...they are actually creating this bubble in which is quite okay to be what others want you to be....and that's exactly how you become...guess what????
You become boring person!!!
So first thing you get from that kind of behavior is that you only attract men who are likely to be a fuckin Talibans nothing more...and secondly those same Talibans just after short time go outside of your home to fuck some fun person because you know what are you....BORING!!!!
Free person is a fun person...free woman is a sexy woman...slaves are no fun..remember that!!!
Bottom line if you divide your life onto decent and indecent part...trust me..every now and then you have to go somewhere and have an outburst because your everyday life...you pretty fuckin hate!!!
Give your dick and your pussy to the same person to whom you gave your heart..that's of course the ultimate goal but if you don't want that or you don't have that right now...you still need to fuck every now and then...
It's okay...just go out there and fuck...and remember...even though you don't have a long term plans with your fuck buddy...you can still love and respect that person as a human being...
This is why it's important to understand....sex is not dirty..sex is beautiful...❤️
Have a nice weekend everybody😻😻😻
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