Ok,so...Paris attack happened,we all know how bad was it,but now what?
Are we gonna go to war against Islam...I don't think so...cuz we are all very aware that there are many muslim people around the world that are not bad...retarded maybe as any other religious people but not like,evil or anything!
So,what to do...
Well,I said it once and I'll say it again...primitivism is a civilization's plague and it needs to be exterminated!
So,it doesn't necessarily have to do with a religion as much as how do people in some countries live their lives!
There are Christian countries in Africa where the're cutting of baby girl's vagina parts as a rule...that's primitive,that is evil and that is not acceptable!!!
Now there is this tiny little thing about muslim countries that differes them from any other....
Give me one muslim country that can be compared with I don't know..let's say...Canada or Austria?
There is no....not one,with people as civilized as they are in western countries!
So what should we do..again?
America is an imperialistic country that is using force against those innocent people right...
Well,how many people u need to see dead as we all could recently in Paris,how many buildings should be hit by airplanes,how many suicide bombings u need to understand that those animals in Middle East that Americans are fighting against are not innocent people but savages!
The best way to get rid of them is to give them some time to surrender...those who have surrended place in temporary shelters just until u extinguish life in territory of their country and then send them bk in that same territory with very strict and controlled rules of law!
Those soldiers that died in Irak and Afganistan were not killed accidentally....someone shot at them...who...who's caring those rpg's and aiming at American helicopters and vehicles...innocent civilians...hell no!!!!
Why don't we give same attention to deaths all around the world as we do for Paris?
Well that's simplest question ever!!!
When u see a tiger in a zoo....it cool but you're not afraid of it,because that place is crawling with wild animals...but when u see one let's say in front of your apartment building...u'll be shit scared..why..because it doesn't belong there...
Omg two hundred kids was executed in Baghdad....I mean yeah it's sad but that shit happens over there weekly,but when you have similar event in the heart of Europe you'll be devastated...because u don't feel safe anywhere!
I want western world to takeover the world as a whole,I want people to live everywhere on the globe same way people live in Sweden or Australia...but for that shit to happen you need to recognize those developed countries as the only world leaders you will accept!!!
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