When I ask you...what is life?
You'll think of the time between your birthday and your death...time that you spent in this world,righ?
Well that's what everyone thinks...
But as said on that picture...if you wanna have what few have you gotta do what few do!
So,smaller amount of people will understand that life is a phenomenon that no other planet around has...that we know of...
And when we say...we need to save life...that doesn't mean we need to make you live longer so you can watch Sunday football,drink beer and scratch your balls for a longer period of time...but rather...save the life of our and all thi other species on this planet...
Now...imagine you live in this apartment building...nice,new,clean...your apartment is great,great view,large and comfy...
Right next door there are some neighbors of your that are...well...idiots!
They never clean,their apartment always stinks,they are constantly fighting and making noises,playing loud music in the middle of the night..and bring other retards for a visit and those are drug dealers,pimps and other intelligent people...how do you solve this...what do you do?
1. Make them go away from your flor?
2. Make them go away from you apartment building?
3. Make them go away to another neighborhood?
4. Another city?
5. Country?
6. Continent?
7. Kill them all?
I can tell you right now...the most constructive answer from the ones I offered is the last one...kill em all...why?
Because that's the only way to actually solve your problem..otherwise they are never gonna stop fucking you in some way!!!
You think that if you move them to another apartment building they won't keep coming back and provoking you every time they see you...
Or if you move them to another block...yes,you've might solve the problem,but that's exactly where your colleague live with his wife and kids and now you made their life miserable...
Move them to another country..you think they won't try to come back if they don't like it there...think again!
The only way to get rid of them is to kill them....or?
Maybe...there's one more way and that is...why don't you try to make them like you....civilized?
Oh that's never gonna happen,right...
Well who ever the fuck you are,black,white,man,woman,Brithish,Swedish,American...go back to your fucking history...nd you'll see that you as well weren't civilized from the beginning of time motherfucker...you've become that way...
Someone was sacrificing their lives in order for you to have stuff you have today...now it's your turn to give back U STUPID MONKEY!!!
What would those slave owners said of someone told them that someday one of those slaves will be the present of the USA...they would say,that's never gonna happen,they are savages....
They were no question,some of them still are...but a lot of the are now civilized people...how bout that u white trash nazi boy?
But for something like that...in order for one to think that deep...u need to have something called THE VISION!!!
You have to believe something that others doubt...you have to continue where others have stopped...you have to be a visionary...
But you can't...you know why...because you're just a little peasant,low life insect...a life form with only one purpose...to live and to die...and next time you open your retarded little mouth,be aware that....nobody's asking you shit in this world...and thank God there's no democracy anywhere otherwise a little cockroaches like your self would actually be allowed to think!
So keep wearing you cap and chewing your tobacco...scratch you balls and pay tax...because that is the only thing you're good at...
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