Today I was searching for some apartments in Stockholm just for,how's market,prices,monthly costs and shit...
Even over a year ago we had a real estate agent estimating out apartment and when he asked us...ok,same way I can help you sell the old apartment I can help you buy the new one...
Where would you like to live...he asked..
And we both laughed first cuz the answer we both knew very well...
We answered...anywhere with as less foreigners as possible😬😬😬
Poor guy was a bit uncomfortable..I mean he was swedish and both my wife and I are foreigners so we shitting over your people can't be a crime right:))))'s not common in Sweden to say such things openly..but fuck it!!!
Now are we bad people for not wanting to live among the question I ask all of you today???
I mean listen we should all have the same rights and shit...but we're not all the same...aren't we?
Sure..u have alot of Swedish criminals and u have doctors that came from Pakistan...absolutely,but I bet u a two scoops of protein powder that the Pakistan doctors is living in the same area my wife and I want to live....
Listening seeing a monkey is good for when you go to the zoo and shit, among them is a whole different thing...I know,I'm an asshole,and racist right....
Well call me what you want but I believe there's black people and black people..and not all of them rob banks and deal drugs....but let's face it...who is gonna most likely be civilized...
A person who's origins are from places where there was some rule of law like from thousand years ago or people from Irak,Morocco or Nigeria...
I'm not saying these people should not have medical treatment or that should be treated differently but fuck pretending!!!
I'm in a metro and around me there are Swedish families with at least four five kids in total and little bit further there's this foreign mother with two kids....
Five Swedish kids sound like three people and two of those foreign fucking monkeys sound like a whole metro is filled with them...why?
I know why..because I'm a filthy racist,that's why!
As I wrote before if Swedish people are racist for hating come they never complain on foreigners from Germany,Australia,Island,but only from Afganistan,Serbia and Somalia...
Sure there are an actual racist that simple hate everyone different but I don't think I'm one of them...I do have problems with primitivism but is that bad???
Listen I don't think those primitive people were born that way,God no...that would make me racist definitely....I just think they were shaped by their previous environment...same way I was...
Was it primitive and savage way from American people to go all the way to Africa to kidnapp all those people and use them as slaves...of course it was..
But don't tell me you also don't think that unfortunate event actually made people like Martin Luther King,Jimi Handrix,Oprah and Barack Obama...cuz I don't think they could become that if everyone stayed where they were born!!!!
Ok..I can change my statement from I want to live with as less foreigners as possible to I want to live in the most expensive area I can possibly afford...
And don't get me wrong...I know that if my wife and I even move to the most expensive area in Stockholm we would be treated like filthy foreigners regardless if we are good or bad....but you know what....I think I can handle that better then to live in a neighborhood where I'm the most normal guy's not good at all😂
Have a nice time people,and if you hate me...tell me:)))
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