Gotta say THANK YOU for the great respond i get from you...u r awesome🙏
Today i want to write a bit about matter of taste...and what's my stand on tht...
Ok so i always start from do i height,wight,size,muscle,colours...tacky right...ok...bizarre and disgusting as well but let's not go there for a sec....
Ik so imagine me dressed up in all black,maybe some colourful detail but..pretty neutral right...
Now think of me dressed up in military ed hardy t-shirt...a cap...the one...u know with that specific shape made for morons...let me show you...
A normal cap
A cap specialy designed for mentally challenged people...
Another one... can you imagine me or someone like me wearing this...
it's screaming...i never left puberty and i haven't seen pussy in years so i want attention as much as possible...
People ask me how come you don't have any tattoos...because it's simply too much on my body...c'mon!!!!
David beckham...he's the guy that looks cool wth tattoos not me...
When brad pitt have a beard it looks sooo sexy...if i had one...i'd look like i have a vest with c4 waithing the instruction from bin laden to blow up some shopping mall...
U see where this is going...i mean i kniw it's not a crime to wear and to look any way you want but c'mon...we all need to be aware of our enviroment...and i'm not saying you should suck dick to your eviroment but you also shouldn' deliberately act and look like an idiot cuzz you're pissed or your cock is to small or whtever...
When i'm in tha'll see me,you'll hear me..that's my church and i don't have ANY problem in showing my body to everyone...but once i go out...frankly i just wanna blend in and be A DUDE..don't want for people to see me everytime i enter the caffé or a department store...and i know they do..but at least i don't have to wear orange jacket that says RAGE or a tattoo on my triceps wth a skull that says BORN TO KILL...
I mean it's so stupid tht i just don't get how people don't see it...
When a poor serb make a first buck he buys a red ferrari screaming...WHO'S THA MAN NOW MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!
A swedish doctor born in wealth...drives a gray volvo...why...he got money not just for a ferrari...he can buy a share in ferarri but he won' know why...cuz he doesn't wanna act tasteless and he doesn't need to prove shit to nobody!
If you had a rough childhood and now you're doing good...enjoy it...don't try to go bk and change something cuzz you won't be able to change shit...
If you're not getting enough attention...get over're not brad pitt nor angelina your own fuckin life and love who you are!
Also my point is...yes there are haters,racists...assholes...but if you wanna be accepted and acknowledged...don't act like shit to piss them off...but do something good for a a bridge,make a contribution...become a doctor and save their kid's life...cuz if you act like a fuckin just gonna prove their point!
Now don't get me wrong i like rich...but just look at this..can you just imagine a person that's a bit judgemental about bodybuilders seeng him.....
What he or she is gonna say...
Hehe..."i rest my case",right!!!
And don't give a fuck about that right...well that makes you...a person that don't give a fuck...fine...i happen to give a fuck...that's just who i am....
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