Alot of people aske me about my bext competition and when it's gonna be..what's my plan and stuff...
My answer is always...well,i have nothing next year or stuff...and truth to the matter is that i don't realy want to compete least not like that...
Now question is...why...and what do i mean by "not like that"...
Well u see i have this theory from maybeeeee...well...couple of years back...i realized something that applies only on me and my this is not an advice this is me writting how i personaly feel...ok...
I realized that...every fucking thing in my life that is worth anything and that makes me feel good and happy about who and where i am...i got EASILY...
No effort was required for any of the stuff i was good at...and don't get me wrong..i 've spend alot of time and effort for that stuff too but it dodn't feel like an felt natural and good...
Exampel...alot of you might not know this but i was a theatre actor when i was young...and not to brag or anything but...i got the award of best amateur actor in serbia at the i can say i was good...
Now we had endless rehearsals...over and over...and we spent days practising...but to me it was as fun as it can possibly be...i enjoyed every moment of it cuzz i loved to me...there was no that artificial effort that i needed to put in.. in order to be a good was easy...
My bodybuilding...and i'm talkin' making my muscles bigger not about competing..i entered the gym when i was 13...i bench pressed 78kg...that was how much i was weighing at the time...two weeks later...100kg..easy...i love it ever since and to heavy is a's hard...for some people...but to's like's hard,you're sweating...but you don't see it as hard...u see it as plesurable:)))))
Now i tried some stuff that i suck at...such as becoming a successful criminal...or a buisnessman..or who knows what else...and it just didn't work...
But with every of these failures of mine there's one thing incomon...i hated it from the the effort i gave was unnatural...was forced...not plesurable at felt wrong...hard,and stupid...and it turned out it was wrong and stupid...
So basicly...what i'm getting at is...that i belive we all have these signs in our life...that guide us to some better place...all we need to do is follow them..
Now this sounds easier said than done cuzz if it was easy...we'd all be happy...but we're not...cuzz for following your signs that universe is giving to need to open your mind for them...otherwise...u won't be even able to see them,let alone follow them....
It's all fucked up..i know...and if somebody gave me this text ten years ago i'd call the author an idiot...but now days i am more spiritual and i do belive that there are things we can not taste or smell but there are there...very much present....
So for my competition...i earned money working every sunday 10-11 hours all summer long in some factory...that i hated...
Now..was it worth it...sure...i loved i want to do it again...go to some shitty factory packing fruit and carryng some havy shit...hell no!!!
So to me...that's a sign that regardless of how i look...looks is one thing...competing is's a sign that...if it was ment to be it would be fuckin' easier...not like that...definitely not like tht:(((((
But u know what...i also learned that being satisfied is not being happy...cuzz we people are never realy fully what does tht mean...that we csn never be means tht we need to make piece with who and where we are...FOR NOW!!!!
For now,i said...cuzz when the signs appears...u need to act..u need to respond...but untill that happens...i'm a happy man❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Love ya all✌️🙏💪
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