Last night while i was working i chatted with my father in law...and he start to talk about weapons...
He is all into that,he's hunting,onwns guns,rifles and all that shit..
So he told me a bit about the law in sweden..basicly it's easy to get a weapon...of course you have to be a hunter,or you just wanna have a target shoot for sport...common stuff...
So i asked him are you allowed to carry a weapon around...and it's,you can...and if a cop stops you,you can always say that you're on your way to train some shooting or that you're on your way back...
So bottom's quite easy to get a weapon in sweden...
He also told me that swedish authorities wanted to have these regulations same as in grear i can own a gun but whenever you don't use stays in a local police station...but..
They realized that the costs of making those safety boxes for all the weapon in that exists in sweden would be sky rocketing so they haven't done that...which explains how enormous number is of weapons owned by swedish people...
So what's my point...well in sweden,you don't have a lot of those shoutouts,riots and murder as we all know is happening in us every day...
My question is why???
Ok in us is even easier to get a walk into a grocery store..and say..i would like one kilo of tomato,bread,a pack of tobacco and a gun...but never the less..bottom line is sweden is packed with this shit too...just that only in america you have these people every week...kill a police officer,or enters a school or a teather and start killing people...
People who are against weapons say that if there were as many weapons as there is today america would have lower rate of people killed by weapons...which pretty much make sence...right...
But this guy and many others said an interesting thing...
They say...have you ever seen a gun or a rifle shoot by it self?
You know why...because guns ain't killing people...PEOPLE ARE KILLING PEOPLE!!!!
So the right question that should be asked is...what triggered all those people in usa to snap and do these horrible things...that doesn't exists in europe...or in scandinavia at least???
My first guess to that question would ne cruelty...simply america is so cruel to their citizens...especialy to the poor ones that...basicly...if you hurt people alot..same people will continue doing that to others as soon as they get their chance...
Maybe that's just me...but that's pretty much what i think.
Have a nice weekend you all:)))
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