
torsdag 23 augusti 2018

Because you do need it!

Hey now:)))

I’m enjoying my vacation like all in,but this is something I’ve been thinking about for very long time..

Many women are wrapped up in this hamster wheel and again my first guest of what’s the MEN...

What do you need as a human being?


But you also need to be social and to have sex.

The last two are not required for survival but we need it...a lot!
Like a person is a murderer we deprive them of their freedom and even worse their need for socializing with other people!

So it’s a punishment right?

Well same goes for without sex is a punishment!

Sure you can survive without it but you need it to function normally and optimally...

So why I’m I constantly hearing this same thing from women over and over again...

No I don’t need sex,I’d rather have no sex than with someone wrong!

Listen I get’d rather jerk off than to be with some asshole who’s gonna treat me like shit!

Yes,in that case you’re right..but it’s not black and white with anything basically!

Can you maybe find a regular fuck friend that is respectful and normal until you find someone who’s gonna cover both your emotional and physical needs?

No you can’t because most of women would never dare to say it like that...why?

Because they don’t wanna sound like hoes or they’re not triggered as young girls!

Have you ever thought about why men say they need sex and fuck until they cum and women are opposite...they say they don’t need sex and that it’s not important to cum?

Because men were explained why and how and women were poisoned by idiocy!

Ladies...who thought you what do you need to to get from your partner in order to cum...nope!

Women supposed to have more of that education simply because women’s orgasm is more complex than men’s!

Instead,girls are left behind to figure out by themselves.

Listen a lot of women are fortunate enough to have someone to tell them,show them,guide them,but soooo many if them are clueless...

It comes to being lucky’re parents don’t tell you that a guy who doesn’t care about your pleasure is wrong for you should pray to God to send you a normal and experienced guy who will tell you and show you these things,or if your close friends are experienced enough to tell you!

Of course the first thing that makes a huge impact to most women is that no boys have been taught to have as less women as possible,but women were told by someone that guys don’t respect women who have had many partners...

And there you go..scared for life!

A baby that was birn with perfect vision but never exposed to light will eventually get blind!

Will that baby later miss,he or she can live and feel normally without ever missing vision..but life without vison is not as great as with it!

Same goes for sex!

If you were taught that sex is for grown ups and it’s not nice for little girls to ask those kind of question your sexuality was decreased by huge percentage...

That’s the reason why you can live a “normal” life without needing’s a scar in your subconsciousness,don’t listen to it!!!!

Everything that makes you feel sexy,sexual and horny is good for you, and people who tell you the opposite are not people that deserve your respect,time and energy!

This doesn’t mean that these people hate you,it means that they’re dumb and you should not take their advices about this!

What if they’re my parents?

Well you’re parents aren’t the greatest psychoanalysts that decideed to create a divine being,but just two people who fucked!

Love you all😘😘😘

onsdag 15 augusti 2018

A low self esteem of beauty queenZ

Hey now🤗🤗🤗

So today,I want to talk a bit about this thing I was experiencing lately with couple of people that I know...

Beautiful young women with low self esteem....

So what’s the problem?

It’s very beautiful young women we’re talking about and yet they’re so insecure about their look,why????

It’s because of the stupidity of their parents mainly but also the environment they grew up in!

Beautiful people are usually clearly beautiful at very early age!

We may or may not admit it but we’re all amazed,turned on and fascinated by beauty!

So,what happens is that these young people,but I’m gonna focus on women(ofc🙃) are becoming  very aware of the fact that they’re more than others!

Basically they’re not and that’s exactly where the mistake was made,but naturally they create a false self awareness that they’re awesome because of that gift!

So...time goes by and these women get to feel like they’re on top of the world but it’s super fucked up to get that feeling without putting any work in it!

You start feeling like a fuckin queen without doing anything basically!

So all their problems are solved in advance right?

Because you’re beautiful you’ll only have the most beautiful boys,because you’re gorgeous you’ll have an amazing job,easy and well payed,because you’re sexy,people will respect you,because you’re hot,no one will reject you...right😂😂😂

This is so fucked up but it’s so not true:-/

And listen some of those amazing looking women do get to become models and they get payed for being pretty,and they marry an amazing guy and they live luxuriously...but very,very few!

All the other pretty women,society treats same or even less than average simply because they can and they’re jealous...

So when that happens...they kinda start realizing that...omg,I’m not special at all😩😩😩

So since you’re young,first thing you are seeking out is that confirmation that you are beautiful!!!

The problem is that average guy would tell a dog..YOUR BEAUTIFUL,to get some pussy!

So after a period of promiscuity those beautiful women get more and more depressed😞

They can’t trust people because people hurt them so many times,they lose interest for anything basically because they feel like billionaires that lost all their wealth...

Identity crisis...if I’m not a billionaire who the fuck am I...

If the beauty is not the most important thing in the world I’m so fucked..and who will ever love me now when I’m not the prettiest princess in the kingdom of people?

So usually they choose to still search for those hot bad boys and try to “fix” them into faithful men which is pretty much as you tried to make a birthday cake from a horse shit:)))or they find a none sexual geeks and treat those poor schmucks like garbage.

This is why you shouldn’t emphasize beauty that much in any case..pretty,not pretty,boy, is cool but not that crucial for every day living!

If I don’t fuck you,I couldn’t care less how fuckin pretty yoo won’t get a special treatment,most likely you won’t get any treatment because nobody likes to be blue begin with,I personally love it but I’m probably not  the perfect example:))))

So my dear’s beautiful to be beautiful...but nobody was EVER in love in anyone’s beauty,remember that❤️❤️❤️


P.S. again...add me on Facebook,Instagram it’s Andrija Sandor,add me on Snapchat it’s shandorandrija Talk to me,tell me shit😘

måndag 6 augusti 2018

Something seriously not serious.

Hey now💋 

I haven’t been around lately since it was so ridiculously,disgustingly hot here in Sweden that I had pretty much everything on hold😅

My apartment is not super-clean my body is super hairy and everything basically that demands my movement while spending time in my apartment was a nono...

Now it’s gone thank God and now we can start living again:))

Recently I wrote a blog about my wife saying she doesn’t feel special beside me!

And the reason was that..yeah sure,every time I wanna fuck you can,every time I walked naked you get hard’re like that with every woman!

Ok,I hear you...and just in time,something happened:))))

Two times we fucked,my dick got super soft in the middle of sex within seconds...just dead 💀 

It happened a nice,she was like,what happened?

Dunno really but I’m just not horny🤷🏽‍♀️

And it’s not that I was jerking off an hour before or anything just simply have no interest in pussy...

Sooooo not like me🧐

Second time I could clearly see she didn’t like it and kinda pissed too!😂😂😂

The reason for that I really have no clue!!!

I assume it’s maybe the weather because I really don’t like sweaty sex,maybe a bit but if we start at the point where my sweatshirt is see through it’s just nasty...

I won’t exclude the fact that I’m also old and it could be that,although as soon as the weather gotten better I got better yeah:)

So my wife was concerned so much that when we had our power walk she asked me out of the blue....

Do we have a problem?

I was like what do you mean?

She got like you and there something going on with us?

I was like,well except the fact that my dick is not getting hard on you everything else is fine...of course I laughed😂😂😂

So yeah,long story short my libido is back on track again so I’m again that same old maniac,so everything’s fine:))

But it’s still cool to me,how we people take things for granted and never even think about positive about stuff that we have...which in this case is a hard dick🍆

Thank you everyone for hearing me out here and if you have any questions,comments dick pics and anything to add basically,please do!!!

Write it here or even direct message me on FB,IG or Snapchat👻👻👻

FB Andrija Sandor
IG Andrija Sandor
SC shandorandrija

...And remember..I love you all😘😘😘