Hey lovZ❤️
It’s not a secret that I’m old and getting even older each day but really I never felt more driven and stronger mentally and physically...
The good thing about aging is that you get wiser..or at least I think I do😳
They say that after 35 you start hating your birthdays...
This is simply because at that point you kinda start realizing that your life is so not gonna be the way you imagined it and you feel with each year you’re being crushed into the “no way out” corner...
Now there’s always two kind of people out there and I don’t really know which one is more anxious about their life!
First one is the one that haven’t achieved some or most of their goals,and they feel like shit because of that!
Now the second one is probably the heavier one..because these people have achieved all the modern person’s goals..they graduated great schools,they found a solid job,got married,made kids,bought a car a dog a house...but they still can figure out why the need to scream in the pillow every night😁
To get an answer to this question I believe you need to smoke some weed☘️☘️☘️
Now I’m not referring to getting high to feel better about yourself but more about the technique of letting the weed drive you...
We’re constantly trying to control our lives and it’s not bad that we do it ok,but we also need to understand that life is in many ways something we shouldn’t and cannot really control!!!
That’s the part of our life where we need to learn how to let things go and basically try to enjoy if it’s good or even accept it if it not...
I started with weed when I was maybe 18ish,cannot really remember exactly but my friends who used to smoke it before me,explained me one thing...
Weed can’t feel good if you don’t let it in so it drives you...
I had no idea what did they mean by that..and that’s exactly why I didn’t feel shit when I tried it first time....
I remember I was not super high but even so I was constantly resisting the feeling I had and wanted to keep the control...
A few times later I realized everything..it was so clear to me...
Being high is actually a total opposite of having control...being high is about letting that opiate take over and you simply sit back and enjoy the ride...
Same goes for life....
You need to learn how to relax and let your life take you wherever is it that you need to be!
Now I know that I sound like a hippie woman and it’s not like I say we should do this with every aspect of our life,but many things in our lives we cannot control..and about those things we get shit scared...
We need to relax because we already can’t do shit about but also we should believe that there’s a perfect reason for whatever the outcome is...
I love my life today,not a dream life I may have ten years from now!
Life is now😘
Love you❤️