
fredag 25 januari 2013

You are beautiful,no matter what they say...

my wife recently told me a story about some girl who is super-duper famous she saw a comercial for sats(gym in sweden),with a girl wich is everything but fit,and then this blogger start writting shit about the girl from the''they should put somebody fit for gym comercial instead of that...well...chubby cow''...or something. enyhoooo,this blogger girl got kicked out from some fancy blogging domaine or website because of that...and i didn't liked how that story ended...

not that i know who that blogger is,nor who the girl from the poster is or even how she looks like,i personaly think that it was totaly unfair to punish the blog-girl like that...first of all...wouldn't we be all suprised if we saw a comercial on a tv for tooth paste with a person with yellow teeth..we would all say that they should at least put somebody with a perfect teeth,right...or...

i personaly don't understand some days beeing pretty,sexy,handsome,having great ass,big boobs or a big cock...seems to me like all of a sudden the establishment says that it is wrong,roude and we all should be averige,fatty,ugly...ish and borring,right?
 i mean what a fuck!!!!
that sats gym was defending their choice of a girl by sayng that they want to encourage ordinary people to workout more and not to be embarrassed to go to the gym...ok the cause i the way of enforcing that couse i realy disslike.

my wife used to work part time in one was quite nice,but quite no name gym and clients there was pretty much those,averige looking after couple of times working there,she noticed that that gym is missing was mirrors...there was no mirrors in side...not one.of course she asked the guy who was a menager ther,why no mirrors and he explained to her that...since that was the gym for those...well let's say not perfect lookin' people...we want them to feel better about them selfs so we put away all the mirrors from the gym....seriously?????

first of all...i don't understand how nobody realised that that is so offencive for those poeople ther...i mean...takin' away the mirror from me because you don't wan't me to see how ugly i am...well by that you not only saying that i'm ugly...but you also treating me like i'm a moron.

why not let them see how bad they look...why not bringing a bunch of great looking people there to be their inspiration...because those fatty,chubby bad looking people are still people...normal people...why treating them like they are damaged...ok i know why gym menagement whants that,,,they wanna give people what they wnat so the menagement can charge them and make money...

you see a beautiful girl on a cover of a magasine,and first thing you say to your kid is...honey.that's not hot girls look like in real life....well first that's exactly how girls look like in a real life...nut not eavery girl...only beautiful looking ones...and you know what...they are from the real world you ugly instead of putting your kid's standards can say...yeah,honey...not all the girls ot htere look like that..only the ones who take good care about their body...what thay eat what they often they do exercises so...if you want to look good you need to do that that totaly normal aproach or what...

it seems to me that those parents just trying to transcend their weeknesses to their kids...telling them that being good looking is in fact impossible... being good looking is so possible....i'm not saying it's easy...but it is possible so please you pathetic piece of shit,stop telling idiotic tales about all the wrongs in being beautiful,put that donut,or a beer away,start eating like a human being,and not like a fuckin' go get that discusting body little sweaty for a change...and you'll realise how possible things are...

torsdag 24 januari 2013

Cover boy:-)))

well...yesterday i've seen a new issue of a body magasine,haven't got time to check out page by page so i just grabed one and ran back to work...well guess who's pictures were all over...enjoy!!!

onsdag 23 januari 2013

My truth about LCHF

Here i am...writting about that everybody discussed so many times that i my self make me sick for even going there..but,i'll do it any way....

  More than ten years ago i foun a book written by some ex yugoslavian was about gym,exercises,and the big chapter about dieting...

  He explained there that you need to have six meals,first nutrient is of course protein and he claimed that if you taking protein from food no shakes and stuff,there's almost no chances to eat more proteins that you proteins unlimited...second nutriend were fats...he wrote that fats in this case serves as energy source since carbs intake will be very fat as well you eat as much as you like...and carbs..well by his opinion we should eat betwen 15 and 30 grams of carbs a day,so we deliberately deprive our body of it's primary source of energi and we pushin fats to be used for that matter..and finaly when our body is out of fats from food,it automaticly uses our body fat as energy and that's what we want...

   First thing i've noticed when i was on that diet my self is that you start loosing weight and everything is good..but at one point you just stop...and that's it..doing same things you did before,eating same...but that last fat is still what's the catch... eat more than you burn...and that's the golden rule to every diet..calories in calories out..if you are eating more calories than you'll gain you will not loose weight...
So to summarize...if you are obese..lchf is great to get you in shape of descent look but if you just need to loose 5-7kg to be ripped..well my friends for that you need to include the kitchen scale...that not that i think that lchf doesn't work it's just i think it's just another way of loosing weight wich is no easyer nor harder than some other way...the only difference is that for some folks it works better for their stomach or they have more energy...what ever.

I've read somewhere that some reserchers found that lchf is unhealthy for the bones dor the brain for...something...i don't intent even to go there since i'm way underqualified for that kind i'm just gonna stick to what i do know.

Now this book was written least 25 years ago and the author wrote literature that he was using and that was even older than my question the fuck those people could write their books rescently like they have discovered lchf them selfs and they earned a shit load of money for reeinventing the fucking wheel but of course i forgot that human stupidity is endless so there is my answer as well...there's a great saying about this...''in the land of blind,the one eyed man is king!!!

In my appinion the most optimal way of loosing body fat is that you have all three basic nutrients in your diet plan just that it should be balanced in a right way so you get the most out of it...but...hey that's just a one guy's appinion so...keep seekin' for the truth couse...knowledge is power!!!

måndag 14 januari 2013

No Leaf Clover II

My last blog "musculus" i stopped writing with the article i named "no leaf clover" was when i tried for the millionth time to reach any brand involved in fitness and bodybuilding to get some sort of sponsorship in order to be able to have money for basic stuff i need to compete...

I sent them pictures,explained them my situation and gave them a proposal about this and every single one of them wrote me to fuck off...but you know...using nice,andrija we are so greatful for writing us but unfortunately we don't give sposorship to bodybuilders,or we have enough bodybuilders in team or...this one's good...sure andrija...welcome to our team...i was like...whata much money is your welcome worth...and they were ment us to give you money...noo...we can't do that...that's what i call shitting on people with a beautiful smile..

And now,about one and a half year after that i'll try to embarress my self some more and send them my proposal again...hehe...i'm realy funny...but again...i got nothing to i wrote a text wich my wife trenslated in swedish and sent it to:

swedish fitness(gasp,better bodies)

so the text goes like this,and while i was in the middle of writting this i even got some answers, i said...quite funny:-) 


Mitt namn är Andrija Sandor och jag bor i Stockholm. Förra sommaren pratade jag lite med min vän om hur länge jag tränat. Vi kom fram till att i år,2013, har det gått 20 år sedan jag första gången jag klev in på ett gym och började med bodybuilding. Trots detta har jag aldrig haft möjligheten att tävla. Anledningen är ekonomisk, jag hade inte ens råd till the basic stuff man behöver för att tävla.

Förra sommaren hälsade en vän på mig på mitt heltidsjobb och erbjöd mig en chans till att jobba extra och jag tackade ja. Jobbet varade under hela sommaren och på söndagar och innebar att packa frukt för ett företag, det var bra betalt pga OB tiderna och gav mig för första gången möjlighet att samla ihop pengar för en tävlingsstart och jag bestämde mig för att tävla.

Det första jag gjorde var att besöka Delta Gym, det har alltid varit mitt favoritgym och jag ville bli en del av deras team. Vi kom på plats överens om att jag skulle delta i Luciapokalen 2012 och tävla den 10:e december.

Efter 4 månader av förberedelse var det dags att åka till Göteborg, jag hamnade i viktklassen +100 kg seniorer och vann min första tävling!
Jag vägde in mig på 112 kg men när jag väl skulle upp på sen så vägde jag 108 kg.

Alla runtomkring mig var väldigt glada för min skull och direkt efter tävlingen så hade jag en liten photosession med Body Magazine, bilderna kommer att publiceras i samand med tävlingen, kanske tom i nästa nummer.

Hur som helst.. Den första frågan alla ställt till mig efter min vinst var, vad händer nu?? Vilen blir din nästa tävling?
... Och det var precis de här frågorna jag var/är rädd för!

Det är klart att jag tänker/skulle vilja att min nästa tävling var tex SM eller liknande, men eftersom att jag inte längre har något extra jobb som kan ge mig extra pengar så kan jag inte med mitt lågbetalda heltidsjobb tjäna ihop de 15.000 kr eller mer som jag spenderade för att tävla i Luciapoklen.

Min fråga till er är om ni kan tänka er ett samarbete med mig som kommer att gynna båda parter? Det är naturligtvist ni som vet bäst och kommer med förslaget om hur vi an samarbeta, men det vikigaste är att båda parter tjänar på det!

Jag vet att ni får liknande mail dagligen, men jag vill bara säga att det jag visade upp på Lucia med min vinst är bara en liten del av vad jag kan uppnå i framtiden med er support och hjälp.

Jag vill inte uppta mer av er tid och vill bara tacka på förhand för att ni läst mitt mail och hoppas på en snabb återkoppling.

Med vänlig hälsning

Andrija Sandor
...and here are some answers...this one is the's from mmsports...
Hej Andrija,

Tack för ditt mail och all information. Kul att det gick så bra för dig direkt. Och hoppas att du fick mersmak att fortsätta din satsning. Jag är inte med exakt vad det är du är ute efter. OM det är någon forma av ekonomisk sponsring eller stöd är det tyvärr inget vi arbetar med och har möjlighet att bidra med. Eller gäller det att hitta en förening/företag som du känner starkt för som du vill ställa dig bakom och representera på dina tävlingar 2013?
Ha de gött!
Best Regards / Med vänliga hälsningar

Tim Nygren
Hej Andrija,

Tack för ditt mail.

Vi har nu skickat vidare ditt mail till vår sponsoravdelning som kommer att ta kontakt med dig inom kort om intresse finns.

Ha en fortsatt bra dag.

lördag 12 januari 2013

Few days ago me and my colleague was on our way home and few meters from metro station...police stopped us,showed us badges separated us and start asking us questions...the guy who was talking to me asked me stuff like where i'm from,how long have i been in sweden and stuff...and after answering a few questions,i asked him...was there something bad happend around so you are doing this or what is the reason...he sad that he stopped me because i look familiar to him from somewhere..and he asked me like...have you had some buisness with police recently so i know you from that..i said no...not that i know of...then we talked a little more...he asked me about how often do i workout,do i compete,and of i use steroids...and of course i said no...he asked me how come...i said that i have been using that in serbia but not here..he asked why...i answered because i don't have the money...he was little confused...but he took my id-card and gave it to a colleague of his to chek me out...and while we were waiting,he told me...that..he stopped me mainly because i was big,and usualy big boys have some history in police...

After a couple of minutes his colleague gave him back my id and said...he's the guy gave me back my id,apologised me for the inconvinience and let me go...i got late for my train but it doesn't matter...
Now i'm a bit confused...i mean i realy like sweden and the way people live here but stopping me because i'm big and saing...well usualy big guys are trouble that just me or is that a total brutalisation...
In my head..that woul be quite same that you stop a black person,and tell him or her...i stopped you becsuse you are black people are causing problems...

I me being big good enough reason for police to stop me and interrogate me and take away my me that's more like gestapo state than a civilised one...
One thing is if they had some reason to stop only me but like this....i don't me that's not ok at all..
My first expirience like that was just a couple months after i moved to sweden...police stoped me out side of delta gym and told me that i need to give them my urin so they see if i have been having steroids inside me...first i asked them whether it's ok for me to say no to that...they said that...yeah...but then we need to take you in the police station and blah, u forget about that..let's just do the test..
I never took test,they let me go but that is just so wrong...
I even spoke to the big shot hasse aro...and when he heard what went there,he told me that they sholdn't be doing that and that they don't have right to take me in,just because i don't want to give them my urin i just don't know how to react on that and should i react on that at all or should i just obey the orders and shut the fuck up...if that's the thing...then we need to evolve to reach some shape of democrasy...

I was thinking that next time i just refuse to cooperate and let them take me to the police station and see what they gonna do to me...well if i were in serbia i know exactly what would happend...they would beat the crap out of you untill you agree to do what they want you to do..but here in sweden..i don't know...but i am curious...i don'mt know..

fredag 4 januari 2013

Who doesn't like to wach two bulked up gues fighting the shit out one another right...well if you ask me i find it totaly wrong...i give respect to all sports no questions...but i realy disagree whith the bottom line of any sports that includes hitting oponent and causing him or her physical injuries...for's just wrong...

Back in old country(serbia) i used to work as a door man...a bouncer,whatever...and my job was that..hitting people...and you know's discusting..every night we went home and we had same retards beaten up in the club...i used to smoke in the bed all night long...yeah,i was a smoker...and thinking how miserable i am..when out of all profesions i had the one that demandes hurting people...i mean,all those people were total morons,agresive,drunk,drugged or who knows what else...but even if they deserved it...why should i be the executor of that...was i born for that to became...could't i contribute humanity in some other...more constructive way...shit it was realy sad...when i was about to move to sweden i specificly said to my wife...find me any job...EXCEPT security,vakt or what ever...i got so sick of it.
But in serbia last five-six years i used to work with a craziest guy i've ever meet...he is a professor of prydical education in a highschool..specialised for box,and also a kickbox champion...he is realy nice person,totaly polite...i mean he's a professor for christ sake...but that guy was first...strong as a fucking mad bull...and the amount of bols that that guy have is realy ridiculous...he wasn't afraid of the satan him self...i swear to god...but he was also our mentor...for life and kickboxing...
Even though i realy dont like physical fight in any shape or form...the sport as it super exciting,and it realy grabs you..since...we had to train that to know how to defend ourselfs...
In the begining i was a bit...well not thrilled about the fact that i'm gonna start training kickbox..first,because it doesn't agree with my mass training in the any idiot bodybuilder i was afraid that i'm gonna loose muscles having those exousting trainings four,sometimes five times a week..and was about time as weel...i had a huge lack of free time...wich i have even now...i just have learned how to live with it...
At that time my day started with breakfast...after a while i take my bicycle and go to the gym...have my clients for a four to six hours...yeah i was a personal trainer...just to mention a little fact someone might find training session lasted about an hour and i used to charge that not more than ten swedish crowns...wich is about one euro or one point something dollar...hmmm...nice...any way,after i was done with my was my time...workout for an hour and a half...then eat...and then have coffe-break for not more then one hour and then kickbox session for another hour and somethin'...and in the end of that we had to do some activities...usualy it was indor footbal or i was leaving home around 9-10,and got back 9-10 evening...

so it was i bit too much,but as soon as we've started with trainings i loved get to feel the power but in totaly diferent way than when lifting get speed,energy,motivation...realy a full power i liked it...and of course you get tremendous amount of shape and physical that's great.
of course everybody there were amaized with me being so stretchable with my legs...since they're quite big and i still do splits no problem...but the truth is when i was a boy...i was so into jean claude van dam that i was doing everything he did in his movies,and of course splits was his i wanted that as well and when i realy want something to achive i'm not lettin' it go that easy..
so my advice is...if you haven't tried kickboxing yet and you are into sports and being physicly active...try it you'll like it i guarantee just...when it comes to fighting...well that's up to you...with me it's like this...if a person triggers me far enough...i belive i could be able to take away his life,but it's realy hard for me to even say something hurful to a person wich didn't deserve it...i realy injoy making people feel better in any entering the ring and hitting some stranger as strong as i can for no other reason than sport..well in my book that's not how sport should work...the farthest i can go with that is sparing...wher you hit your oponent but,not as hard as you can,and there's no points,it's just about the thechnique improvement that's mabey i'm wrong but that's how i feel...
this is my foot efter,i was punching a bag in the gym...due to exhausting diet...i coudn't do anything with the bag...just workout and go home...but when i eat again a get so much energy that i could fly....efter a weight workout i started a bit with a bag and then a got that crazy feeling...and then i started to hit that bag harder and hader,and it one point i felt that im nit doing properly front and rear lowkick and it hurts...but the feeling in my head was better,so i couldn't stop...evenualy when i stoped...i kinda had the feeling that everyboudy in the gym stopped with what they were doing and looking at they wanna you want us to call emergency...are you allright...but i felt so releved and good that it was worh of the swelling and the bruise went from lower leg to my foot...he my shoe is to small on my right foot,but it's fine...i'll survive:-))) 